Techniques that utilize deep-tissue/deep-muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia, releasing adhesions, breaking up scar tissue, decreasing pain, and improving body function. These techniques require advanced training and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology.
Benefits Include:
- Better workouts.
- A relaxed state of mind.
- Better sleep.
- Eliminate Pain.
- Improve Overall Health.

Pin and Stretch (a.k.a. Active Release Therapy, or ART) is a technique where the therapist will lock (i.e. pin) some soft tissue in place while lengthening (i.e. stretching) the same soft tissue. This has the effect of reducing restrictions that are located within the tissue.
Benefits Include:
- Eliminates old scar tissue that may be restricting joints.
- Increases flexibility and range of motion.
- Quick recovery from injuries.
- Pain reduction without surgery or medications.
- Successful treatment of spinal, skeletal, and soft tissue conditions.
Pin and Stretch (Active Release) is one of the best solutions, not only for reducing pain but also for the integrity of the bones, muscles, and tendons involved

Active Isolated Stretching (A.I.S.)
Active Isolated Stretching (AIS): The Mattes Method is a scientific stretching method developed by Aaron L. Mattes. It is a manual technique that combines a series of short, controlled stretches with intervals of relaxation, which overrides your muscle’s tendency to contract when stretched tight.
Benefits Include:
- Improved Posture
- Improved Blood Flow and Circulation
- Improved Strength and Mobility
- Reduced Stress Levels
- Improved Biomechanics
- Reduced Pain in Tight Tissues

Neuromuscular Therapy targets relief and control of myofascial pain and dysfunction. Treatment consists of trigger point compression, myomassage, and passive stretching. Success may be measured subjectively by the level of pain reduction experienced by the client and objectively through increased range of motion, strength, endurance, and other measures of improved function.
Benefits Include:
- Reduce or Eliminate Pain
- Better Healing
- Improve Posture
- Increase Ease of Movement
- Better Flexibility and Strength
- Increased Circulation
- More Energy

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a skilled myofascial intervention used for soft-tissue treatment.
It is applied using instruments that are usually made of stainless steel with beveled edges and contours that can conform to different body anatomical locations and allow for deeper penetration.
It is used for the detection and treatment of soft tissue disorders.
Benefits include:
- Increased collagen production
- Decreased pain
- Restoring proper function
- Speeding up recovery time
- Reducing inflammation
- Improved mobility
- Alleviating chronic pain conditions
- No downtime, you can continue activities as normal

This treatment is inspired by an ancient form of alternative medicine. Our modern version uses silicone cups or plastic cups applied with a pump to create suction on the skin. Depending on the treatment, the cups are left in place, moved slowly, and or moved while the patient moves the affected area to create a vacuum and break up stubborn scar tissue and adhesions. Cupping is great for decreasing inflammation and pain while increasing blood flow.

Sports massage is designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery while sustaining the body’s wear and tear. Sports Massage combines multiple manual therapy techniques including assisted stretching.
My specific technique is designed to aid athletes in their recovery process before, during, or after events and or training as well as, assist in the recovery and/or prevention of athletic injuries.

Myofascial release focuses on releasing the muscle tissue (“myo-“) and correcting imbalances in the connective tissue (“fascia”). The myofascia is often responsible for restrictions, pain, and other imbalances within the body. Upon locating an area of fascial tension, slow progressively deeper pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction.